Tuesday 4 January 2011

A Brief Rambled Introduction

Thinking creates nothing but discontent. Internalising will eventually destroy you. We all procrastinate, discuss, enthuse, plan. All the pure intentions are worthless unless we act. The problem is knowing WHAT to do.

I've been told it's the writing that's important, not the reading. All I do is rattle off timelines and sit on a pink couch. I don't even know why I am doing this. It's the same old story on repeat, not skipping a single beat. It gives scope to embellish and refine details, to manipulate narrative and rewrite history. Don't betray yourself with over-confidence. The eyes tell the real story.

We are all writers, the custodians of history.

I've never had a boring year. Something always starts, something else always ends. I don't keep a diary anymore but I know that if you come out of a year happier than you were when you went in, then it was a good year. Last year was difficult, but we're here and we're together. That is more than some people can hope for and I'm grateful.

I've mad another promise to myself, one that I'll probably break, but the aim is there. I haven't been writing nearly enough. I have no band and it's driving me insane. Things are changing and it's up to me to get things done. I have been encouraged recently to some of my stories down and to actually do some serious writing. This is my attempt to do so.

It's not the reading that's important, but the writing.

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